
We welcome all children and celebrate our diversity. We aim to provide the best possible support to enable every child within the school to reach their potential, whatever their ability.
Confidence in a good school comes from knowing and understanding what is happening within it. We hope that by regular contact with school through educational and social functions, parent/teacher consultative meetings, regular newsletters, open days and by visiting, that you will soon come to know all the members of the school team.
We are an ‘open school’ where you, as parents, are encouraged to support us as professionals in what we do and consequently make the school a happy and successful place for your child to flourish. As teachers, we fundamentally believe that a supportive partnership between home and school will ensure the best rewards for your child’s future, both academically and socially, in an atmosphere of shared responsibility. We look forward to your child joining our school in the knowledge that they will be cared for and offered opportunities to develop their skills in a friendly, happy and educationally challenging atmosphere.
We follow Stockton’s Admission Policy. For further information please contact either the Headteacher Helen Gregory or the Admissions Officer by clicking on the link below.
Applying for a school place
If you wish your child to join our Nursery please complete a nursery request application form. Please note if your child is offered nursery place this does not automatically mean they will be offered a school place.
Please see above our Nursery request application form