Local Governing Bodies play a crucial role in the governance of the school and commit to working together in the best interests of the school. The main purpose of the Governing Body is to:
- Hold their school to account by monitoring and reviewing its academic and financial performance and its impact on pupil outcomes;
- Ensure a School Improvement Plan is in place reflecting key priorities for the school;
- Ensure sound governance and financial management of the school;
- Work collaboratively with the other schools;
- Ensure effective links with the school community and that the school meets its responsibilities to the community in relation to the safeguarding and education of its pupils.
The school is supported by Emily Cheeseman from Governor Support.
Each Governing Body has up to nine members; two parent governors, the Headteacher, two staff governors and three co-opted governors. Governors may be contacted via the school.
Chair of Governors/Parent Governor Mrs Clair Robinson 10/05/2018 – 09/05/2025 (Safeguarding and SEN Governor)
Staff Governor Ms Elaine Barrett 16/12/2019 – 15/12/2025
Co-opted Governor Mrs Alison Corner 04/02/2020 – 03/02/2025 Curriculum and HR Governor
Headteacher Mrs Helen Gregory 01/09/2020
Local Authority Mrs Maureen Rigg 23/11/2020 – 22/11/2024 – Curriculum Governor
Co-opted Governor Mrs Susan Tindall 23/01/2020 – 22/01/2026 – Finance and budget
Parent Governor Mrs Rachel Bullock 11/12/21 – 10/12/2025 – Curriculum Governor/English
Parent Governor Mrs Kim Pierson 11/12/21 – 10/12/2025 – Curriculum and Data Governor/ Maths
Parent Governor Mrs Gem Rochester 08/05/2024 – 07/05/2028
Parent Governor Mrs Natalie Smith
Parent Governor Mrs Rebecca Jackson 25/03/2024 – 24/03/2028
Co-opted Governor Mr Darren Ennion 2/11/22 -2/11/26 – Buildings and Health and Safety
Governing body membership
Please see below Governor attendance for academic year 2022 -23
Pecuniary Interests for academic year 23-24