School Uniform Policy
Uniform is an extremely important part of our school. Please ensure your child/children are in full uniform in September.

Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore – No leggings, No jeans Y6 children can wear black trousers or skirts.
White polo shirt plain or a School logo polo shirts can be purchased from Motif8.
Plain green jumper or cardigan – Jumpers/cardigans with school logo on can be purchased from Motif8. Children in Year 6 can wear plain black jumpers or cardigans or school logo jumpers/cardigans with the school logo on can be purchased from Motif8.
Summer dress (green gingham) during the summer term
Knee length shorts only
Plain socks/tights – black, grey or white – No over the knee socks
Footwear | Black school shoes only Footwear not allowed – fashion boots or UGG style boots, knee high boots, platforms or heels |
Nursery Uniform – Please see the same as the school | White polo shirt Green jumper or cardigan with grey/ trousers/jogging bottoms Polo shirts, jumpers and cardigans can be purchased from Motif8 with the school logo on. |
PE. Kit

Blue/black shorts and green/white polo shirt
Tracksuit bottoms and top
Suitable change of shoes (No designer sports wear or named football/rugby clubs)
Jewellery, Hair and Make-up
- A small pair of studs may be worn.
- All jewellery must be removed for P.E.
- No make-up or nail varnish should be worn for school.
- Hair accessories, bobbles, slides and small bows should be in the school colours.
We do have a small selection of pre-loved uniform which is available in the school office.