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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!

In Class 3, the teacher is Miss Newton. Mrs Wall supports key children and Mrs Thomas supports the whole class on Thursday and Friday morning. Please find below a brief outline of the topics to be covered this year and our daily/weekly routines which are explained in the Year 3 class booklet. We follow a two-year rolling programme in Key Stage 2 and we try to plan as much of our learning as possible around our current topics. This creates an immersive and exciting learning experience for the children. Here is an overview of the topics to be covered over the coming year in Class 3:

TermsTopics CoveredBrief Outline
Autumn 1The VikingsThis is a history/geography based topic. During this topic, the children will be learning about where the Vikings came from and travelled to. In history, children will be learning about Viking life, including the roles of gods and goddesses.
Autumn 2Christmas LightsDuring this science based topic, children will be learning all about light and how we see. We will be looking at the Northern Lights and using this as a stimulus for writing. We will also be taking the time during this topic to prepare for Christmas and all the joy it brings!
History RocksDuring this science based topic, children will learn about the properties of rocks, how fossils are formed and different types of rocks. The children will also be finding out about a range of different dinosaurs and taking on the roles of explorers and journalists in writing!
RobotsIn this science topic, the children will explore electricity by building their own circuits with switches, buzzers and motors. They will then combine this knowledge with DT, where the children will have the opportunity to build their own robot using recycled materials and electronic eyes.
Summer 1Captain CookThis exciting history and geography topic will teach children all about the life and discoveries of local legend Captain Cook! They will learn about his three voyages and key links to the local area. In science, the children will get to explore force and its impact on different objects.
Summer 2Local AreaOur final topic will give children the opportunity to appreciate the beauty of our local area. Children will carry out some fieldwork by taking a walk to Yarm to locate human and physical features around us as well as developing their map skills. Children will also learn about the importance of nutrition and teeth in our science lessons.  

Class Booklet:

Home Learning:

Children will receive new home learning tasks set on Seesaw or on paper in their homework wallet every Friday and they will have until the following Thursday to complete this. Your child should be able to tackle most tasks independently; however it is advisable to check their understanding of each task and to encourage them to take pride in their work. Home learning tasks are normally English or maths based and relate to learning in school over the previous week. However, it may also take the form of topic or research based activities.


The children will receive new spellings every Friday and will be tested on these words the following Thursday. The spellings children are given link to the spelling pattern we have been learning in class that week. Please use the ‘look, cover, write, check’ method in their green spelling books to help the children learn their spellings. I will note any mistakes in your child’s book for further revision at home.

Maths Practice:

The children will receive a focus in their maths practice books to practise each week. This will be given out on a Friday with spellings and home learning and be tested the following Thursday. Their weekly maths practice will test the children’s mental skills and will help them to learn vital number facts. It is important that the children continue to practise their times table facts throughout the year.


Please encourage your child to read their reading books as often as possible at home. It is beneficial for your child to read daily and to share their reading with an adult. They don’t have to complete a book each night, but a couple of pages every day is extremely valuable to making good progress in reading. Please ensure that you log your child’s reading on the Boom Reader app. Children in Year 3 are responsible for changing their own reading books when required.


Our PE sessions this term are on a Thursday and Friday.  Any changes to this will be emailed out to parents. Please make sure that all earrings are removed on PE days and that your child has the appropriate PE kit for indoor or outdoor PE in school every day in case of changes to timetables.

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