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PSHE/RSE Intent Statement

PSHE/RSE Subject Leader: Mrs Eastwood


At Durham Lane Primary School, we strive to prepare our pupils for the challenges they face emotionally, socially and physically in their everyday lives and in the future. We aim to provide structured opportunities throughout their school journey for our pupils to develop a good understanding of the world around them and to learn how to cooperate well with and respect others. We value the diverse society in which we live and promote an appreciation and understanding of this in our pupils. Our curriculum fosters independence of thought and respect for the views of others, which may be different to their own. Children leave Durham Lane Primary School well prepared for the next stage of their education, with the skills they need to operate as responsible, caring citizens who value the world they live in.


Throughout school, pupils follow a planned programme of themes which provides progression of skills in each successive year group. RSE teaching is incorporated into our PSHE long term planning, allowing for closely matched skills and content to be taught together. RSE is delivered in a manner that is wholly appropriate for the child’s stage and age and follows the statutory requirements set out in the National Curriculum.

The following themes are taught throughout school and below each heading are some examples of the work carried out in the various year groups within each theme:

Yearly Programme
Autumn Term- Staying Safe and Well
Healthy Body and Mind
· What is a healthy lifestyle?
· What can we do to look after our mental health?
· What influences can affect our choices in terms of healthy lifestyles?

Growing and Changing
· How have we changed since we were babies?
· What personal targets do we have?
· How can we manage conflicting emotions?
· How does change and loss affect people?
Keeping Safe
·        Who are our trusted adults and how do we ask for help?
·        How do we stay safe online?
·        How to be responsible for our own safety.
·        How to resist peer pressure
Spring Term – Relationships
Feelings and Emotions
·   What different feelings do we have and why?
· What can we do when we feel angry?
·  How can we show empathy to others?
·  What sort of things can make us feel anxious and what can we do about this?

Healthy Relationships
· What does a ‘good friend’ look like?
·  How can we sort out disagreements?
· How are our families different?
· What types of ‘couple’ relationships are there?
·  What is unhealthy pressure in relationships?
Valuing Differences
· How are we different but equal?
· What is stereotyping and how can this affect people?
· How do we show respect for other people’s viewpoints?
· Respecting difference and understanding that equality is part of the law.
Summer Term – Our World
Rights and Responsibilities
· What are our school rules?
· What are our rights and responsibilities?
· What communities do we belong to?
· What is anti-social behaviour?
· Should people have the right to protest?

Taking Care of the Environment
· How can we look after our local environment?
· Why do we recycle?
· What is sustainability?
· What is fair-trade and how does it affect independent producers?
Money Matters
· How do people earn money?
· When should we spend or save?
· What is charity?
· What is a loan?
· What is enterprise? How can we be enterprising?
· What career would you like to pursue?

The examples given illustrate how each strand progresses throughout school as pupils grow and mature. Our programme aims to offer a broad and balanced range of learning opportunities which will make pupils think and reflect on their own thoughts and behaviour and that of the people around them. Links to these themes are developed through key stage and whole school assemblies and are underpinned by everything we do at Durham Lane. For example, children’s understanding of their rights and responsibilities, indeed of democracy, is strengthened by the election and work of our school council. Our Eco Team carries out projects which encourage the whole school to be mindful of caring for the environment by monitoring recycling and energy use. Children take ownership of these initiatives and begin to see the difference that small changes can make to the wider world.


The impact of our PSHE/RSE curriculum can be measured by the behaviour, interactions and discussions of our children. Children’s learning in this subject area is recorded in a variety of ways. Each child has their own PSHE exercise book where they can record written work. Children’s work may take a more practical form such as a debate or collaborative learning task and these activities are recorded, where appropriate, using photographs or video. The PSHE coordinator collects examples of these activities as evidence of children’s learning and the impact of our scheme of work. Monitoring visits are also undertaken to ensure that implementation of the long-term plan is effective throughout school.

Through our scheme of work, Durham Lane pupils are given exciting opportunities to learn more about their world and to develop the skills and behaviours that they will need to lead happy and successful lives in an ever-changing world. Pupils show empathy and understanding towards each other and a strong sense of justice and fairness. They understand and can articulate how to stay safe in both the physical world and online. Our children look out for each other and we are extremely proud of the young people that progress from our school at the end of Year 6.

PSHE/RSE in Early Years Foundation Stage

PSHE/RSE in Key Stage One

PSHE/RSE in Key Stage Two

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